Backup on business computers is typically not a problem for the user, unless it is a small company. A company policy should take place for managing backups especially the Sarbanes - Oxyley.
Four options for backup:
External Hard Drive
CD-RW (CD rewriteable) drive
Network Server
Two options for mounting:
Data files (. Doc, .. xls Db. Ppt. Txt, etc.)
Personally, I use a> External hard drive (this is a 120 GB hard drive, which also have 20 concerts, 40 concerts, 60 concerts and 80 gig available. I suggest that it is always larger than 20 gigabytes of hard drive).. And he saved when my computer was reformatted a few months ago. Typically, the unit should be rebootable and the whole load back exactly as it was before the crash.
Obviously this does not happen. It worked for the betterbecause some of my system files were bad. The hard drive nor my data files and programs. First, I referred to my latest copy from Belarc Advisor. This is a free program that lists all applications on your computer. Since I have no CD of every program I used, this was impractical.
Using this list, I invited all applications before starting the works most important to least important. It takes time to load everything, so you do not want is to loadall in one sitting.
Once an application is loaded, I wrote all of his files from the external disk on the back of the computer. I try all my files into folders to the lowest level possible and appropriate. It is there that I have My Documents, My Music and My Pictures "come into play, but I hate that name. For the most part, I have / docs, / media (with subfolders for music and photos), / sites (for Web-based documentation).
Keeping data files in the folder from a minimum ofpossible, makes it easier to keep them organized and available when you need to retrieve data.
Programs like Norton Ghost, AlohaBob and NTI Backup Now are useful for creating and managing backups.
With a CD-RW drive and tape backup also valid solutions. I prefer the external hard drive, since I do not use external media such as tape or CD. Not sit and wait for the CD or tape to fill and the next meal.
ThumbUnit (outdoor unit) are useful, but usually not enough to maintain if the data as much as me. It's great for critical data and to have at any time.
Use when buying a USB disk, make sure that the USB 2.0 does not need 1.1, because most of the 2.0 units.
At a minimium, backup files - the products of your work. Do you have a copy of that file to someone other than your hard drive. Ideally, I want to return my data on a network serverbecause:
If my house on fire (ptpthpthpth) files on a server somewhere else is safe.
When the computer goes crazy and ruins the entire journey, including backup hardware, the files are on a secure server.
However, memory is cheap enough for personal use only. I am sure that is one of the options for the future we can expect to be part of safe use.
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