Decide what for them is particularly important in view of storing backup data. You can treat the following topics: How reliable is the data storage device you want to use, it is well protected from unauthorized access, natural disasters such as floods and fires? Consider also the backup files you want to keep at home, and prefer the transfer from a remote location, such as an FTP server for extra security.
Discover the size of files and applicationsyou want to store permanently to a backup device or removable media. Note that this amount may grow in the future. Think how fast your document or photo archive can grow, and make sure you can expand according to your backup storage. Buy a CD-RW, if your backup storage needs are moderate, and you will regularly back up no more than 500 MB of data.
Another thing to consider is the portability and accessibility of data backup. WouldAs always, these data are at home, or prefer the possibility that data with you appreciate when you wear when traveling. A parallel or USB port external Zip drive, offers the versatility and portability. Buy a 100MB Zip disk, if you need to have only limited storage capacity (less than 1 GB). Buy a 250MB Zip disk, if you need storage space is moderate () a few GB. Buy an internal drive with zip, if one disk for backup and plan to useYou can also install (installation) must be added charges.
Figure your budget for a storage device for data backup and removable media to be used. The backup will be spent in large measure the frequency with which it is safe, and as a backup volume. Figure the cost per MB of average for each unit that you are considering. Zip disks are cheap, while the hard disk. Buy a Jaz disk or a tape backup, if regularly to ensure large amounts of data. Youcould also do well, according to estimates of future expenses. Then buy an external hard drive, when you need a lot of space, not to keep old backups and you do not need portability.
The duration and reliability of storage device selected for backup should be taken into account. Buy a DVD-RW for backup DVD to expect when you increase your data quickly overtime. In particular, you must ensure that the device will be in a state of work when it's time to doRecreation. Which is pretty hard to find that, because you never know when this will happen to the loss of data. However, it makes sense to find the expected duration of a particular device.
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