Hacking 101- Episode 3 | Portable Windows XP

เขียนโดย mamiya | 10:46

In this episode of Hacking 101 I am going to be showing you how to acquire and burn a portable Windows XP onto a CD. I will also be going over some of the features of a bootable version of XP running completely off of a CD. I will also be giving you some tips on how to be using it for your advantage ;-)... Such as using it to bypass locked user privileges in school or at work! This live CD of XP is great for repairing systems in which the harddrive has locked up completely, denying you access to the operating system, it allows you to do spyware scans, virus scans, partioning, and MUCH more. It even gives you access to explorer which allows you to transfer important files to an external harddrive in the case of extreme system failure; it also allows you to delete anything you want (MUAHAHAHA). So explore around and see what you can with this small piece of software... (AHAHAHAHA) Links ------------------------------------ Hiren's Boot CD (V. 10.1) rapidshare.com --------------------------------------- Imgburn: www.imgburn.com ------------------------------ Warez-bb Thread www.warez-bb.org


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Different Techniques on How to Search for a Lost Document

เขียนโดย mamiya | 22:07

Let us say that you have accidentally deleted a document in your computer. This may not be a problem since Windows users can find the deleted files in the Recycle Bin. However, what if you are not the one who removed the file in your hard drive? You did not know anything about it and you deleted all the contents of the Recycle Bin without knowing that an important file was there. Or you or another person may have probably pressed the shift key plus the delete button on your keyboard. Whatever the cause is, you have presumed that you have completely lost your document. Now, you may wonder whether it is possible to search lost document and retrieve it. The answer is that this is possible.

There are several ways that will allow you to recover your lost file. Some techniques may not work for you but you should definitely keep on trying to search lost document if it really is an important one. So the first thing that you have to do if you have not done this yet is to search lost document through the built in search feature of your operating system. Windows users can go to the Start button and then click on the Search all files and folders option. The window for this will appear and you can specify the name of the document, the location and other things that you may have remembered about it.

Now, if Windows says that there are no search results to display, you can take advantage of AutoRecover. This is a feature in Word that enables you to save the parts of your documents. This is helpful since Word might have crashed and this could be one of the reasons why documents are lost. An alternative method for this is through the manual way. You will have to search for the AutoRecover files. To do this, you will have to open Word and ten go to Options in the Tools menu. Then, a dialog box will appear. Find the File locations tab and then double click the AutoRecover files. You will see here the location of such files. Close the dialog box and go to the path that you have just taken note of.

If the file is not there, you may have to opt for another method. You can try your temporary files. Using the search function in Windows, you can enter *.tmp so that the results will all be the temporary files in your hard drive. Still, if this does not work, you may have to go for document recovery tools. They are helpful when it comes to retrieving missing files and folders in your system. They are often small pieces of software that enable you to search lost document easily. You can get the results in a few moments. Most of the programs that you can download allow you to navigate to the file or the results that they have displayed for you so that you can check whether it is the right one that you are looking for.

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Outlook - Recover Deleted Items - Learn to Retrieve Deleted Emails From Outlook Express

เขียนโดย mamiya | 10:17

Did you accidentally delete some important emails or other data from Outlook Express? Are you wondering if in Microsoft Outlook Recovering Deleted Items is possible? If so then you're in the right place as in this article I will show how to retrieve deleted emails from Outlook Express and easily be able to recover deleted items in Outlook.

First off you must realize that Microsoft office is a program that is installed on your hard drive. And what you should know is that when a file is deleted of your hard drive it isn't permanently deleted. Instead when a file gets deleted, all that happens is that the space that was occupied by the file is now freed-up and listed as new re-usable space. Now until that space is overwritten by new data, your old file is still there and can be easily retrieved, provided you have the right tools.

The program you will need to retrieve deleted mails from outlook express is called Data Recovery Pro. It is a great program designed for Data Recovery and it has a special feature dedicated just for recovering deleted emails. It is very easy to use and Free to download, the software should recover deleted outlook items in a few minutes at the click of a couple of buttons.

Therefore if you needed to know if in Microsoft Outlook recover deleted items is possible then it sure is; all you need to do is get hold a proper data recovery tool and you should have your files back in no time. Personally I use a tool called Data Recovery Pro to Retrieve Deleted Emails from Outlook Express; it is very easy to use and free to download. Check it out below...

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GC Season 3 - Ep5 - Seg8 - Apricorn Aegis Bio

เขียนโดย mamiya | 03:47

Episode 5 - Security Get Connected hosts Lindsay Smith and AJ Vickery take a look at the Apricorn Aegis Bio, an external hard drive that works with both Mac and PC.


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